In your personal account, in the "Services" section, click on "+Add new service"
- Complete all the fields
- Write the service title
- Choose the service type: personal or group
- Add a service description
- In the field "Minimum time before booking" will automatically be 3 hours. This means that any meeting with you can be booked only three hours before it starts. If desired, you can choose a different interval in hours
- In the "Maximum booking time" field, select how many days ahead the calendar will display. Max 90 days
- Enter the service price or enter zero for a free service
- Select the duration of the service in minutes
- The time zone will be automatically set according to your phone number. If you want to change it, then select the appropriate option
- Choose whether you want to receive reminders from Google Calendar in addition to notifications from
- Decide on the location of the service: Zoom, Skype, other
- Add the desired page address for this service. You can specify the desired link address, which will be displayed for the booking after…

- Decide whether you want this service to be displayed on your main page or you want it to be visible only to you. If necessary, you can go to your personal account, copy the link to the hidden service and send it to the client
- Check the boxes if you want to collect feedback after a meeting with you.
- Click "Update Service"
- Mark the time slots corresponding to the working hours you are willing to dedicate to providing this service. Highlight the permanent schedule (recurring) in blue. For a one-time schedule mark the time slots in yellow
- Click "Save As" to save the created schedule under a specific name. You can always select this schedule (=shift) for other services as well, to save time for re-scheduling for each service
- In the "Form fields" subsection, you have the opportunity to create a new field that will be reflected to the client when making a booking with you. For example, if you are an astrologer and you need to know the client's date and birth details in advance, you can create a field called “Exact date and time of birth”.

- If there is no such need, then you can not make changes to this subsection. Click Save. A modal window will appear informing you that the service has been successfully updated. And with a proposal to tell your friends about this update on Facebook. Select the desired option or click on the cross in the upper right corner to close the message